Saturday, September 22, 2007

Lambda “Marching On” Recruitment Drive

Dear Alumnus,
The 2007-2008 Lambda “Marching On” Recruitment Drive is under way. All current active alumni brothers are required to renew their active status by registering with the national organization and updating their contact information. Non-active alumni or new graduates can also become active by registering with the national organization and updating their contact information.

The Official “Marching On” Recruitment Drive runs until September 30, 2007. This includes a 30-day grace period during the month of September 2007 to existing active alumni in order to secure consistent active membership status as described in our constitution.

Being active within our fraternity mean different things to different brothers, however allow me to explain my thoughts.

Our Lambda is as unique as the individual brothers that make it a whole. We are all scatter in different areas of the world, living different lifestyles, striving for different goals, having different levels of success. In a nutshell, a group made up of individuals living different lives. What unites us is the bond of brotherhood that comes alive when we share a moment together, from watching a game to visiting our home chapters. It does not matter if we are line brothers or perfect strangers, we gravitate to the one phenomenon to be true, “If you are a Lambda, then you are my Brother!” We are Lambda man and our blood bleeds brown. The bond that makes Lambda whole, also makes us complete.

The National Executive Board and alumni brothers around the country are engage in a mission to develop a true Nation under Lambda. We want to set out and re-awaken the Lambda Spirit inside our alumni brothers. This past year, we created L.A.M.B.D.A (Lambda Action Movement for the Betterment and Development of the Alumnus). We are organizing Alumni Chapters all around the country, beginning to offer key services to the alumni, creating a culture of support and better communication and interaction with one another.

All of which can only be possible with the support and action of our fellow alumni. We need brothers to become active and take part in the advancement of our organization. As we move forward with our goals as individuals, we also must move forward with our goals for La Fraternidad. As new Initiatives are role out, please take the time to review them and ask yourself how you can help make them a success. Take part in the foundation of a new Alumni Chapter in your area and encourage more brothers to become active.

I thank you for taking the time to read this lengthy message and in helping with the growth of our Lambda Theta Phi.

Go to the Lambda Payment Center

Financial Breakdown of $100 Alumni Dues:
$50 – National Initiatives (Includes Insurance and Sunshine Fund)
$25 – Undergraduate Chapter*
$25 – Alumni Chapter *
* Disbursed amount goes towards chapters in good standing and no outstanding obligation.

Then log in to the Lambda Member Services Center to update your information and access many of our great benefits


José A. Morel
National Director of Alumni Affairs
Lambda Theta Phi, Fraternidad Latina, Inc.