Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Congrats to Award Recipent and Fellow Alumni Brother Heriberto Herrera!!!!

Brother Heriberto Herrera who is the current  California Sector II Vice President and Beta Omega Chapter- Humboldt State University Alumnus has recently been recognized as a recipient of the Pearson Minority Scholarship of the National Association of School Psychologist- Minority Scholarship Program (MSP). 

This places Brother Heriberto Herrera as the first and only graduate student to receive the recognition at Humboldt State University, and 1 of 3 students to be so honored in the State. The award recognizes only 1-6 Graduate students of color each year in the Nation and in Canada. The MSP recipients join the ELITE-44 which is comprised of the 44 current and previous recipients of the prestigious circle in the field of School Psychology.

Below is the link to the local newspaper which includes details of the Fraternity:

Below is the link to the Humboldt Psychology Dept. which discuss the recognition (PICTURES):

Below is the link to the NASP official website to learn more about the program, learn about all 5 recipients, and read the remarks and speech from the awards speech in Philadelphia:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lambda Alpha Lambda Lecture Series


Attached is the flyer for the event this Thursday. I would like as many brothers to attend our first of many events. It should be a fun time.

Waldir B. Alvarez

Alumni Brother and West New York Police Officer Richard Alvardo of Beta Phi Chapter Delivers Baby

Via the NJ.Com / The Jersey Journal 
WEST NEW YORK — A town police officer trained for delivering the bad guys to jail had to help out with a entirely different kind of delivery last week, The Jersey Journal reports.
Last Wednesday around 6:30 p.m., West New York Police Officer Richard Alvarado, 25, responded to a report of a woman having labor pains at a residence on Hudson Avenue near 57th Street.

Full story from The Jersey Journal:

West New York cop delivers baby


A message from Brother Byron Brothers:

I want to thank you for the ongoing and growing support of my school board elections. My team and I won by more than 1000 votes, our highest win yet. I am always impressed by the brothers' support from across the country. Thank you to those that donated to my campaign, worked the elections and/or sent supportive emails or text. The magnitude of our brotherhood is unmatched. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. Byron Bustos SP'97 Omicron Chapter

Monday, April 02, 2012

Texas Alumni Brother Passes
Shaun Interview: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=775903157135


It is with deep sadness that we send this notice. Early this morning we lost another member of our Fraternal Family, Brother Shaun Chapa of Alpha Tau Chapter. Words cannot express the sadness we are all feeling at this moment. For those who had to honor of meeting Brother Chapa, we will be left with the memory of his inviting personality and positive attitude. Brother Chapa served in the US Marine Corps honorably for four years, and in his return to college joined Lambda Theta Phi in the Spring of 2008. He was currently serving our Brotherhood as Texas Sector 2 Vice President. Brother Chapa has touched the hearts of so many around him, may his legacy live on forever and may we never forget the causes that Brother Chapa was always fighting for.

Brothers at this time we must all come together for the family of Brother Chapa in their time of need. He leaves behind a girlfriend and daughter. Let us keep them in our thoughts and prayers.

The National Executive Board has set up a PayPal link to allow for donations for Brother's Chapa's family, this will be sent out shortly.
